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Our experience is also unique in that it also includes direct, hands-on operation of various wastewater and water treatment units, which provides our recommendations and designs with operational flexibility and reliability.

If you are a home owner using well water, you may be needlessly suffering with water quality problems. Do you experience poor tasting water, foul smelling water, damage to your water-using appliances, stained clothes, or stained fixtures? There are affordable solutions to these common well water quality issues. Some water quality issues, including lime scale due to hard water and green stains due to copper eroding from your pipes - are more than just annoying - they can result in permanent damage to your plumbing which can require needlessly spending thousands on plumbing bills.


Effluent Treatment Plant or ETP is one type of waste water treatment method which is particularly designed to purify industrial waste water for its reuse and it’s aim is to release safe water to environment from the harmful effect caused by the effluent.
The effluent treatment facility will installed for biological treatment of the effluents. The effluent bears large amounts of organic matter. The direct discharge of the effluent into the water bodies causes depletion of DO of the water. Hence, in order to meet the recommended standards of quality of the effluent, it is necessary to treat the effluent before it is finally disposed off. This treatment facility provides for removal of major pollutants from the effluent.

The raw effluent, bears large amount of suspended solids and oxygen consuming organic matter. The conceptual approach of the treatment includes the removal of suspended particles, dissolved organic matters and handling of sludge for disposal.